Contract Details

Awarding Agency: DOED
Contract Number(s): ED-ESE-15-A-0005

The Education Grants Management Support Services (EDGMSS) program provides grants support services across a range of functions that are essential to ED’s discretionary and formula grant programs.

The scope of this work includes but is not limited to:

  • Assist ED in ensuring grantees’ responsible and accountable use of grant funds
  • Provide support for activities that ensure grantee performance is in full compliance with grant requirements
  • Assist ED Program Officials, Program Specialists, and other grants management personnel in administrative activities
  • Provide support for program evaluation for on-going status reports, final reports, and other deliverable products required under the grant program
  • Provide administrative assistance for grant Close-out procedures

In delivering these services, the contractor shall recommend and implement approved strategies to:

  • Improve ED’s grants management processes and procedures
  • Improve grantee performance
Contacts: Aracelis Gray
Phone: 1.703.225.2290
Email: aracelis.gray@zhanmi.net